Shipping and Delivery Information

We use Royal Mail for our delivery service.

Deliveries generally take 2 to 4 working days and are fully insured.

You will receive an email notification when your order ships. This is includes a parcel number that can be entered at

Delivery is only available to UK addresses on this website. For international orders please visit our Etsy at

Delivery is free.

Missed a delivery?

For peace of mind if you miss the first two delivery attempts you have the following options:

Using the info on the "sorry we missed you card" you can arrange the delivery to a day that suits you or request the parcel is left in a safe place.

Collect the parcel from your local Post Office.

Request to have your parcel delivered to a neighbour.

You have 18 days from the first delivery attempt to arrange redelivery. After that Royal Mail will return to sender.

Detailed delivery information

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